Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The potato kugel that saved a marriage

the Rebbe has once again shown his greatness in his undercover and modest ways.

Here is the short version, a longer version will probably be included in the Rebbe's Sefer about his travels in exile.

This past Shabbos the Rebbe went to a kiddush to show that he will walk for someone else's Simcha. At the Kiddush he met someone who considers the Rebbe, ( in his undercover guise) as one of his Chaverim. The Rebbe asked him ( we shall call him Chashuva Mentch) to wait a minute to walk with the Rebbe back home, since they were going the same direction. After the Rebbe said mazal Tov, and was Mekadesh the oilam by making a brocho and having a piece of Kugel, he went upstairs to get his coat. While there, someone said that the Chashuva Mentch the Rebbe had asked to wait was looking for him, because he was ready to go, and he say this same Chashuva Mentch's family upstairs, also getting their coats. The Rebbe asked the Mishpucho if the Mentch had left yet, and they indicated that he better not have, since the Mishpucho was still there. The Rebbe then went downstairs and saw the Chashuva Mentch was still waiting for him.

The Rebbe then told the Mentch that his Mishpucho was there, and the Mentch thanked the Rebbe, becasue he wasn't aware that they had walked, and would have gone home without them, much to the extreme annoyance of the Mishpuco.

So the upshot is because of the heilige Rebbe having a piece of kugel to enhance the joy of the baal Simcha, a marriage was saved!

An amazing man, doing amazing things, undercover.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Rebbe changes a tire and meets another Rebbe

Recently, the Rebbe was driving his undercover vehicle so that no one should know he is a heilige Yid. As he was going on the Palisades Parkway, he saw a vehicle stuck on the side of the road. Thinking there might be a medical emergency there, he stopped.

When he went to as the people in the vehicle if there was anyone hurt, the response was, "no not us, its our van." The Rebbe saw that the back tire was off, and the van was jacked up, but the driver apparently ran out of the strength to jack the van up high enough to get the new wheel on.

So the Rebbe went back to his Rebbemobile, and took out the X bar lug wrench that he carries. he went back to the minivan and started to finish the job. As he worked, he asked who everyone was. The driver informed him that he was driving a Rebbe (whose name The Rebbe did not catch), one who had a big sheel in Monsey. The other passenger was his Shammis. ( I was hiding in the back of the Rebbemobile, so as not to give away the greatness of the Rebbe.)

When he finished, he went about his business, without revealing himself, but earning the gratitude of another member of the Rebbeshe group.


The Rebbe has decided to go undercover into exile, like other great Rebbes have done in the past, in order to feel what his chassidim are going through without the veneer of respect and awe that is afforded the Rebbe due to his greatness and his position as a Rebbe. In the comiong posts, we shall track the Rebbe's movements, and shall recount the Meiselach that happen to him, show his greatness, and allow for lessons to be learned, as the Rebbe also continues on his life long journey to be the most eirliche yid he can be, and grow in compassion for his fellow man and chassidim.